Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rafał Wodzicki - Niwaki and Bonsai

Rafał Wodzicki working. Photo: private

In September 2017 Urbandendro visited a city of Wrocław (Poland).

There I had a great possibility to meet with Rafał Wodzicki, who is big Niwaki and Bonsai enthusiast.
We talked about Niwaki and Bonsai techniques and visited some splendid examples of the Niwaki and Bonsai works in the area, also we had a chance to start new Niwaki example in nursery and maintain 14 years old Niwaki in Japanese Garden of Wrocław.
Rafał have dealt with Niwaki and Bonsai almost 10 years now and if you talk with him you can see that he is still very inspired about his great passion.

Now we have opportunity to ask from him some details about his life and passion – Niwaki and Bonsai – let´s start:

So Rafał – tell us about the beginning – how and when did you discovered for yourself Niwaki and Bonsai?
Rafał: "The nature has been close to me since childhood. I always liked gardening what undoubtedly contributed to the fact that I decided to study the landscape architecture. 
"After graduation, I worked as an arborist and in the design and establishment of gardens. Almost every single day I worked with trees and other plants, pruning included. At that time I had friends interested in Bonsai. One day, I decided to go to the Bonsai Academy in Wrocław and after just few classes I completely fell in love with Bonsai. Since then I have been developing my skills."
"The interest in Niwaki came later. I started pruning and shaping plants in my parents’ garden and got some orders to service Niwaki in other people’s gardens. It was pretty appealing, since I always liked forming the trees and it helped me to earn some money needed for travel, tools and further development of my skills."

Why precisely Niwaki and Bonsai?
Rafał: "Working with Niwaki and Bonsai allows me to fulfill myself and combine my knowledge of plants with the ability to create my vision. I also like when others appreciate the outcome of my efforts."

Can you show us one of your favorite Niwaki and one of your favorite Bonsai you have done?
Rafał: "I am most proud of the plants that I have been leading from the very beginning. I have some Bonsai made from the hornbeam (Carpinus betulus). The crown of one of the them was built from scratch, out of the trunk. I have had it for 6 years."

Carpinus betulus in 2012. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

Same Carpinus betulus in 2017. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

"My first Niwaki is a Juniper ‘Blue Carpet’ which I have been working on since 2009. The whole crown is made up of one branch upstairs."

Juniperus squamata in 2009. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

Same Juniperus squamata in 2016. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

"I also take care of a lot of Niwaki in customers’ gardens. These are mainly pine trees. My favorite is the pine Pinus mugo, which I have been shaping since 2012. I must admit that it has definitely improved its appearance over the years."

Pinus mugo in 2012. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

Same Pinus mugo in 2017. Photo: Rafał Wodzicki

Niwaki and Bonsai both require a lot of knowledge, attention and dedication - what would you say for these who are interested to start working with Niwaki and Bonsai?
Rafał: "The art of shaping and caring for Bonsai and Niwaki requires knowledge in many different areas: botany, arborism, physiology, gardening or techniques of forming the trees, often quite difficult."
"Nowadays, the internet allows you to view works from all over the world, however there I no substitute for learning with people who are knowledgeable about it. Looking at the creators and their own efforts under the guidance of teachers is probably the best way to succeed in this art."
"It is impossible to learn everything during just one workshop. We need to spend a lot of time learning what (and how) we can do with the specific species and at what times of the year. We must also be patient, anticipate some actions ahead of time and plan treatments. As in every field of art, both skills and talent are needed."

What is for you the main idea of Niwaki and Bonsai?
Rafał: "As far as Bonsai trees are concerned, the most important thing is to find the right path in the tree to make it as beautiful as possible. To balance the size, greenery, trunk and pot in which it grows."

"When it comes to Niwaki, in addition to the form of the tree, it is also very important to integrate it into a garden."

You told me sooner that your Niwaki is not exactly the same as original Niwaki - what´s the difference?
Rafał: "Niwaki trees in the form known by most of the European people – with a crown formed into dense clouds – differ from what we can most often observe in Japan. I call them European-style niwaki, although you can also see them in Japan."
"As for Japan, the trees are typically formed in a more natural way with a rare crown and often without clear clouds. I like it very much and I would like to shape the plants in a similar way, however I usually need to meet the owners’ requirements. It also requires a lot more time to achieve the right look. All in all, they have been doing it for centuries in Japan, whereas we are just getting started."

Have you ever been in Japan?
Rafał: "Yes. I attended the World Bonsai Convention in Saitama this year. Moreover, I have visited Tokyo and beautiful gardens in Kyoto. Naturally, the omnipresent Niwaki in different shape and size made the biggest impression on me."

If someone offers you a possibility to exchange the "know-how" or possibility to learn more in different countries, also in Japan - would you be interested? 
Rafał: "Yes, of course. I want to learn, but also share my knowledge with other people and develop my skills. If I had the opportunity to go to Japan or another country to learn and work, I would definitely use it."

Thank you for the interview, Rafał - I wish you success with new and interesting projects!
So - if anyone wants to get in touch with Rafał, then you can find his contact from his website:

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