In Pärnu (small town), Estonia, we have 40 alley trees - Chinese poplar `Fastigiata` (Populus simonii `Fastigiata`).
Seems that they are seriously diseased - there are multiple symptoms which gives a suspicion of a bacterial canker (Xanthomonas populi).
Symptoms: different types of tumors (tumors have "rusty" or "bronze" look), cancers growth, strong bacterial secretion (bacterial secretion is under the pressure and smells like dung), bacterial secretion over the branch collar, which has ruined the cambium and causing drying of the branches.
I have found similar problems in Estonia also in the black poplar (Populus nigra).
I have found that removing dead or some unnecessary branches gives to the tree some relief also it releases some pressure from the tree trunk.
Source: Urbandendro
Typical tumor. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Bacterial secretion is killing the cambium. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Bacterial secretion is killing the cambium. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Bacterial secretion is under the pressure. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Dead cambium. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Typical tumor. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
Dried bacterial secretion. Photo: Ravel Reiljan |
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